

Untitled 1


Blatuša, 30.6. - 7.7.2018

U našem malom-velikom cirkusu zajedno ćemo se igrati.

Kroz improvizaciju (ekspresiju) i introspekciju učiti o sebi i svijetu. Ući u čarobni svijet cirko-kazališta, te kroz spontanost osvijestiti tijelo, um i emocije. Cilj šumskog kazališta nije proizvodnja predstave, niti odvajanje publike od glumaca. Dapače, kroz spontane igre upravo vraćamo teatru njegovu prvobitnu (aktivnu i katarzičnu) ulogu! Cilj je povezivanje (sa samim sobom i sa drugim ljudima) kroz spoznaju. Introspekcijom spoznajemo – primamo informacije; ekspresijom šaljemo informacije (spoznaje) nazad u svijet.

TO ACT znači ujedno i glumiti i  djelovati!!  Sve to uz puno smijeha i zabave, na otvorenome šumskom podijumu!

Kroz žongliranje i hodanje po špagi – koje oduvijek fascinira (malu i veliku) Djecu – suočiti ćemo se sa izazovima spretnosti i koncentracije. Učiti ćemo koristiti tijelo i prostor oko nas, zagledati se u sebe i otvoriti se prema drugima, a uz to se riješiti straha od tuđih mišljenja.

Kroz dramaturške igre i razne (kazališne) tehnike improvizacije, reflektirati ćemo svoje (svjesne i podsvjesne) dojmove, stavove, želje, potrebe i emotivna stanja. Otvarajući se svojoj Istini, istovremeno se spajamo sa cjelinom (prirodom i društvom).



Blatuša, June 30 – July 7, 2018

In our little (big) circus, together we will play!

Through improvisation (expression), as well as introspection, we will learn about ourselves and the rest of the world. We will enter the magical world of circus theater, and through spontaneity become more aware of our bodies, minds, and emotions. The goal of the Forest Theater is not the production of a formalized theater play, nor the separation between the audience and the actors. In contrary – through spontaneous games, we aim to return the primordial role to theater itself, and that is to include active participants in an interplay of individual catharsis. The goal is to connect us (to ourselves, and to other people), through learning. By introspection, we receive information – by expression we give information back into the outer world.

TO ACT has more than one meaning. It means both to pretend/to take a role/to be somebody else and to do/to make an action. All through fun and laughter, in an open forest podium!

Through juggling and rope walking – which has always fascinated both kids and adult kids alike – we will face the challenges of dexterity and concentration. We will learn how to use our bodies, and spaces around us, to look inward, and become open to others while diminishing the fear of what other people will think about us.

Through theater play and various improvisation techniques, we will reflect upon our (conscious and subconscious) impressions, attitudes, needs and emotional states. By opening to our inner Truth, we are becoming connected to the Whole (nature and society).